Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I have monomania

My new word of the day describes obsessing on one thing. Yup, that's me and my tabby-to-be. I've even added You Tube to my blog with a video of the cutest best friends Max and the tabby -- next to Sue and I that is. Speaking of Sue, she thinks I should get a dog instead, so does Marilyn who said get a hypoallergenic dog like Buddy, her Maltese. Max is a terrier of some sort. Actually I am growing fonder of the thought of carrying around a little dog in one of those fancy pooch bags, but I've got to grow a whole lot more enamored of walking the dog morning and night. We'll see.

1 comment:

Susan Dore said...

Or you could get one of those hairless cats....a little strange looking, but my manicurist Jeanet tells me they are very affectionate (she has two of them), as they love to snuggle up to feel your body warmth.